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J Virol 84:993C1004

J Virol 84:993C1004. induced by IFN-. Deletion of the carboxyl-terminal 66 amino acids of BGLF2 reduced the ability of the protein to repress type I IFN signaling. Treatment of gastric FD-IN-1 carcinoma and Raji cells with IFN- clogged BZLF1 manifestation and EBV reactivation; however, manifestation of BGLF2 reduced the ability of IFN- to inhibit BZLF1 manifestation and enhanced FD-IN-1 EBV reactivation. In summary, EBV BGLF2 interacts with Tyk2, inhibiting Tyk2, STAT1, and STAT3 phosphorylation FD-IN-1 and impairs type I IFN signaling; BGLF2 also counteracts the ability of IFN- to suppress EBV reactivation. IMPORTANCE Type I interferons are important for controlling disease infection. We have found that the Epstein-Barr disease (EBV) BGLF2 tegument protein binds to a protein in the type I interferon signaling pathway Tyk2 and inhibits the manifestation of genes induced by type I interferons. Treatment of EBV-infected cells with type I interferon inhibits reactivation of the disease, while manifestation of EBV BGLF2 reduces the ability of type I interferon to inhibit disease reactivation. Therefore, a tegument protein delivered to cells during disease illness inhibits the hosts antiviral response and promotes disease reactivation of latently infected cells. Consequently, EBV BGLF2 might protect virus-infected cells from the type I interferon response in cells undergoing lytic disease replication. test statistics for the percentage of p-STAT3 to STAT3 from your experiment in panel A or the percentage of STAT3/actin and p-STAT3/actin from your experiment in panel C. The results demonstrated in panels B, D, and E are based on three separate experiments. The ortholog of EBV BGLF2 Abarelix Acetate in herpes simplex virus and human being cytomegalovirus do not inhibit STAT3 phosphorylation or activate p38. To determine if BGLF2 orthologs from additional human being herpesviruses might also inhibit type I interferon signaling, we constructed plasmids expressing EBV BGLF2 orthologs with V5 epitope tags in herpes simplex 1 (HSV1; UL16) and varicella-zoster disease (VZV; ORF44), both alphaherpesviruses, and in human being cytomegalovirus (HCMV; UL94), FD-IN-1 a betaherpesvirus. These plasmids were separately transfected into 293T cells, and the cells were treated with IFN-. Only HSV-1 UL16 and HCMV UL94 were indicated at levels much like EBV BGLF2. While BGLF2 inhibited phosphorylation of STAT3 and triggered p38, HSV-1 UL16 and HCMV UL94 did not inhibit STAT3 phosphorylation or activate p38 (Fig. 7). Open in a separate windowpane FIG 7 The effects of BGLF2 and its herpesvirus orthologs on p-STAT3 and p-p38. 293T cells were transfected with plasmids expressing EBV BGLF2, HSV-1 UL16, VZV ORF44, or CMV UL94 tagged with V5-tag at their C terminus or bare vector pcDNA3.1 (vector control). After 48 h, the cells were treated with IFN- (1,000 U/ml) for 20?min, and cell lysates were immunoblotted with antibody to p-STAT3, STAT3, p-p38, V5, and actin. Conversation We have found that EBV BGLF2 binds to Tyk2 and inhibits its phosphorylation, resulting in reduced phosphorylation of STAT1 and STAT3 and impaired type I IFN signaling. STAT1 is important for signaling through the IFN pathway and has a part both in immune monitoring of EBV-infected cells and in keeping disease latency. STAT1 is critical for the control of EBV, and STAT1 gain of function has been associated with mind-boggling and fatal EBV illness (42). Both EBNA1 (43) and LMP1 (44, 45) upregulate FD-IN-1 STAT1, and STAT1 is definitely important to preserve latency (46). The ability of BGLF2 to inhibit phosphorylation of STAT1 may help to promote disease reactivation. BZLF1 inhibits phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of STAT1 (47). Like STAT1, STAT3 is definitely important for the control of EBV from the immune system and for keeping disease latency. Individuals with STAT3 dominating negative mutations have higher levels of EBV in their peripheral blood mononuclear cells and higher rates of lymphomas, some of which are EBV positive (48). LMP1 upregulates STAT3 (49) and EBNA-2 enhances the activity of STAT3 (50). STAT3 is required for.